>> Online ticketing is open : book tickets now ! <<
[Excluding bookings for the OUT Toulouse and the Louise Jallu Quartet concerts, the guided tour and the orchestra and sung tango masterclasses: please consult the pages of these events to see how to register].

• More information about the PASS and offers : HERE!

Programme du festival

Monday, July 4 19h30-21h00

Apéro Tango (in various bars of the city centre)

Street events

Monday, 04 July 2016 : 19h30-21h00

Apéro Tango

From Monday 4 to Saturday 9 of July, Several bars, restaurants and cultural places of the city centre will greet you so that you can meet in a tango atmosphere, relax, comment on the concerts and the DJs'performances, organize your evening and of course have a drink and/or something to eat and even have a nice dance...

  • Pêcheurs de Sable : Quai de la Daurade
  • El Chivito : 15, rue des Blanchers
  • Le Petit Voisin : 37, rue Peyrolières
  • L’Esquile : 63, rue du Taur
  • Le Saint Sernin : 2, rue St Bernard
  • Galerie Zunzún: 27, rue Palaprat
Apéro in the Zunzún





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