>> Online ticketing is open : book tickets now ! <<
[Excluding bookings for the OUT Toulouse and the Louise Jallu Quartet concerts, the guided tour and the orchestra and sung tango masterclasses: please consult the pages of these events to see how to register].

• More information about the PASS and offers : HERE!

Evènements pré-festival

Saturday, June 30 17h00-19h00

Arnaud B.’s Milonga




Saturday, 30 June 2018 : 17h00-19h00

As part of Carlos Gardel Day, DJ BYC will play for you to dance on the newly inaugurated dance floor on Arnaud Bernard’s plaza. 

  Location   Arnaud Bernard
  Place Arnaud Bernard
  31000 - Toulouse

Accès métro ligne B - station Compans-Cafarelli.
Esplanade Compans-Caffarelli, puis 2 rue du canon d'Arcolepuis Théâtre du Fil à Plomb, puis place Arnaud-Bernard.



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